Tuesday 26 July 2016

When you defend My Word, you will be deemed to be cruel, unkind and lacking in sympathy to those who do not believe in God

"You will be scolded if you are a sacred servant of Mine and you will be made to answer for your allegiance to Me. Gather now, all of you. I demand that you do not deny Me. I will protect you, so that you can serve Me. I will help you by lifting your burden. All the Graces of Heaven will be poured down upon you.

Warning to Priests:

I will cut down all those of you who follow the false church – the church of the beast – when it is presented to you. Follow this new church and you will be selling your souls to the beast. Instead of saving souls, in My Name, you will be responsible for handing them over to eternal Hell.

I Am telling you the Truth now, so that you are given ample time to prepare for this day, as it is not far away.

Your Jesus"

All priests in the Order of Malchizadek must if they wish to gain Paradise, be ready to furl the flag of Christ and honour Him in defiance of those honouring the beast! Take yourselves to the Blessed Sacrament Exposed and spend the time you need to place yourself in His Sacred Heart.

Do not allow yourselves to be seduced into any practices paying homage to satan. This is not child's play! This cannot be trivialised! Church doors will be slammed in the faces of those who wish to uphold the Teachings of Christ in His True Church! Take courage, have faith! The Saints of Heaven are praying for us. Our Guardian Angels are by our sides! Love Jesus with ALL your hearts.

When you defend My Word, you will be deemed to be cruel, unkind and lacking in sympathy to those who do not believe in God

August 5, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, how I weep with sadness when I see the terrible division which looms within My Church on Earth. The bitterness of My Agony is eased though, by those who truly love Me and who already feel concern for the way in which My Body is being treated.

You must never feel the need to accept any deed, action or words which are against Me. If you feel uncomfortable with what you witness, within my Church, by those who swear that they are in union with Me, when they desecrate My Body, you must follow your heart. I Am with you every second of this great apostasy and for those who will continue to call out to Me, I will open your eyes to the Truth, so that you will remain true to Me.

The time is almost upon you now. The doors of My Church will soon be closed to those who will insist on remaining loyal to the traditional practices of Christianity. These doors will be slammed in your faces when you bear witness to Me. Your faith will be ridiculed, in the most cunning way, so that when you defend My Word, you will be deemed to be cruel, unkind and lacking in sympathy to those who do not believe in God.

You will be scolded if you are a sacred servant of Mine and you will be made to answer for your allegiance to Me. Gather now, all of you. I demand that you do not deny Me. I will protect you, so that you can serve Me. I will help you by lifting your burden. All the Graces of Heaven will be poured down upon you.

Warning to Priests:

I will cut down all those of you who follow the false church – the church of the beast – when it is presented to you. Follow this new church and you will be selling your souls to the beast. Instead of saving souls, in My Name, you will be responsible for handing them over to eternal Hell.

I Am telling you the Truth now, so that you are given ample time to prepare for this day, as it is not far away.

Your Jesus

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