Friday 13 October 2017

You will be just as guilty as those who were responsible for handing Me over to My executioners

Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide! Jesus knows what is in our hearts. He knows what is in our souls. If anyone defies His Truth and His Holy Word from being given or shown to others, the Day of Judgement will see them fall prostrate at His Feet totally powerless and in grief! Speaking out Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit in these Messages, we are mortally wounding our souls.

God has no place in Paradise for those who continue to defy Him in this way! If we beg for His Mercand be accountable for our sinfulness in this regard, we might just be redeemed, but this journey will be a tough and arduous one at best to get back into God's Grace!

We cannot be willing participants in satan's war against Jesus! We must stay silent if we do not believe His Word in these Messages, for not to do so, will bring our souls into perdition! We will be responsible for preventing God from gaining the souls who lay-in-waiting for the Truth to set them free!

Stay silent and pray!y and be accountable for our sinfulness in this regard, we might just be redeemed, but this journey will be a tough and arduous one at best to get back into God's Grace! We cannot be willing participants in satan's war against Jesus! We must stay silent if we do not believe His Word in these Messages, for not to do so, will bring our souls into perdition!

We will be responsible for preventing God from gaining the souls who lay-in-waiting for the Truth to set them free! Stay silent and pray!

You will be just as guilty as those who were responsible for handing Me over to My executioners

Wednesday, May 28th, 2014 @ 08:40

 My dearly beloved daughter, My Promise to come again will be fulfilled. Nothing can prevent My Second Coming, but still those who know Who I Am and who work for My nemesis with open and willing hearts believe that they can destroy souls before this Great Day.

To My enemies, know this. I know you. I can see your souls. I can see what evil resides within your hearts. I can also see the goodness, which lies side by side within you. Hear Me, as I reveal to you the Truth of what is to come.

If you love Me, you will be encouraged not to.

If you believe in My Teachings, you will be asked to believe in a new false substitute.

If you believe that I Am communicating to you, through these Messages, you will be convinced by the evil one that these Words do not come from Me. You will be tempted, therefore, to betray Me and you will do this by persecuting My servants, who support this Mission. You will become traitors of this Mission and, as such, you will be just as guilty as those who were responsible for handing Me over to My executioners.

If you do not listen to Me, then that is up to you and I will not hold you accountable, for I will never force My Will upon you. Far better you ignore Me and follow My Teachings, than to inflict suffering on others.

Now that My Plan to salvage billions of souls has commenced, know that I will rise above the will of men who oppose Me. Nothing – no words – no actions – no deeds – no wickedness of any kind – can stop Me in My quest to salvage humanity. Those who stand in the way of God will be powerless and will, in the end, lie prostrate with grief before Me on the Day I come to judge.

 Your Jesus

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